Tripanick-Nansemond Family
Indian Nation

I am Nansemond.  And I matter.

Message from our Principal Chief

It is with immense pride and a heart full of gratitude that I welcome you to this website. Our shared heritage, stories, and traditions have been the backbone of our community, and it is these very ties that bind us together as one family.

As we gather, let us remember the ancestors who walked before us, the wisdom they passed down, and the legacy we are entrusted to uphold. Our journey as the Tripanick-Nansemond Family Indian Nation is a testament to resilience, unity, and an undying spirit.

Together, we will continue to honor our past, celebrate the present, and pave the way for generations to come.

With deepest respect and warmest regards,

Chief Bob Bass
Tripanick-Nansemond Family Indian Nation

Our Cultural Heritage & History

Our Language

The Nansemond language is a variant of the Algonquian linguistic family. Over the years, numerous words from this language have faded into obscurity. However, the Tripanick-Nansemond Family Indian Nation is dedicated to reviving our forgotten language through meticulous and sustained efforts.

Our Culture & History

Our ancestors stood among the indigenous communities who first met English settlers in the 1600s. Despite signing several treaties with the British Crown, the Nansemond were compelled to relinquish their ancestral lands, dispersing far and wide. As we reclaim our sovereignty and identity, our true history emerges.

The Tribe Today

Today, we stand as a testament to resilience, adaptation, and the enduring spirit of our ancestors. While deeply rooted in our rich history, we actively engage in contemporary society, fostering community growth, education, and cultural preservation. We are committed to strengthening our bonds, celebrating our heritage, and ensuring that the legacy of our people thrives for generations to come.

Doing Business with the Nation

The Tripanick-Nansemond Family Indian Nation welcomes partnerships that honor our rich heritage and support our community’s aspirations. As stewards of a legacy that spans countless generations, we seek collaborations that resonate with our values, traditions, and vision for the future.

Services and Resources

For the Tripanick-Nansemond Family Indian Nation

Tripanick-Nansemond Family Indian Nation

For official use only.